Saturday, June 3, 2023

My News Frustration

 This past week, I had three frustrations:

1.  If you watched either German or Brit weather this past kinda noticed ultra bright red tint being used to signify the temperature.

Basically, it's starting to turn ultra bright red at 25 C (77 F).  

I started to shake my head.  

At 29 C (84 F), it's about as red as things can get (at least with the color scheme on my TV).

Personally, I just don't start considering things 'hot', until you get to about 34 C (93 F), and that's just marginally 'hot'.  

Using the illogical 6 C (43 F) ought to be ultra blue in tint....when it's really not that cold.

I wish I could pre-set the TV to flip to plain black-and-white when the weather comes up.

2.  Both ARD/ZDF (public TV in Germany) had to go and explain why they were making a big-deal out of the conviction of the left-wing gal in Leipzig....why it had to be news #1 for the night...because they wanted to be 'fair' to show that besides right-wing people often get convicted for bad-boy activities....even left-wingers can be convicted.

After looking at the whole story, you had some crazy group of five folks who went around assaulting people, and in normal prioritized news might have been a #16 item requiring 20 seconds to tell the basic story.  

But they wanted almost two minutes to get it off their they were only being 'fair'.

3.  As much as this mandated heat-pump chatter is going on.....virtually all of the German news folks are doing a lousy job in selling the heat-pump idea, and you can say the same thing for the SPD-led coalition.  

I've almost reached a point where I'd like to mute the TV whenever the topic comes up....because you really aren't told much....other than if it will be forced to accept it....whether it makes sense or not. 

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