Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bus Story

Local PR piece today by the Wiesbaden local press.....on the arrival and operational status of three new E-buses (the battery buses). 

In thirteen months....they will have a total of 56 of these e-buses, and by the end of the contract.....140 total.

So in the mix of the news piece....they admitted that the range is 120 to 200 kilometers, and it's heavily dependent upon how much heat/cooling....that you are putting on the battery load.

Use just in town?  Well....that's part of the story that they admit.  It won't be used for regional passengers.  For the regional folks, they are buying hydrogen buses (delivery in 2021 apparently).

So in the midst of a harsh winter or extreme summer.....you basically have around three hours of use before you need to return the bus into the battery-charging area, and get a replacement bus (another bus with around three hours of service). 

Why not just buy all hydrogen?  No one says much.

The odds by 2024 that they admit the battery bus routine is a chaotic problem, and they need a new solution to replace them? 

This past winter, the Trier bus authority had their delivery of e-buses to occur, and were a bit shocked about 90 minutes into a shift (extreme bitter cold)....that they needed to go back to the lot and recharge.  The company involved?  They didn't say much, and I doubt that they really did much testing in cold temperatures.  The basic solution?  Well, no one says but I would imagine that you trimmed the heat required (from 18-degrees C down to 12-degrees C). 

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