Wednesday, November 20, 2019

That Berlin Murder

So it's been around 24 hours since that murder in Berlin of the Doctor Richard von Weizsäcker....son of the former German President Weizsäcker.  Stabbing episode, as he was about to give a medical lecture to some folks on fatty livers.

The cops came out today, and it's reported by Spiegel now....that this 'nutcase stabber'....had an odd motivation....a historical one.

So the guy wanted revenge on the Weizsäcker family for what amount to a action by this guy's dad for being the chief director of a chemical company in Ingelheim back in 1962 (four years).  Apparently, the company was accused of for delivering deadly chemicals for the Vietnam War.  Court case never could establish this as a fact. 

The guy came to realize that the father was dead, so killing the son was the only way to extract revenge. 

Knowledge of this dead doctor over the chemical business or the connection to the Vietnam War?  It doesn't appear to exist.

So this is about a delusional guy....having some fifty-year grudge, that didn't really affect himself? nutcase. 

Judge handling this?  I would imagine that he'll  call for a review, and have the guy committed in a secure facility.  Sad ending....respected doctor killed by some delusional guy with a weird agenda. 

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