Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fake Doctor Story

This story originally came up about a year ago, and in the last week....had an update.

So it came to pass that some medical folks were unsure about the qualifications of this physician's assistant here in Hessen.  A review of the gal's paperwork came up, and it was 'faked'.

Charges were drawn, and at the time....they felt that no one had been harmed by her fake doctor business. N-TV updated the story yesterday, there's four deaths that are connected now to the handling of this medical situation.

Naturally, you'd would someone get the paperwork into the system, get hired, and avoid being figured out as a fake doctor....especially in of all places....Germany.

Part of the story that N-TV tells....there are seventeen different accreditation groups in Germany.  This kinda makes things difficult.  After this whole thing was figured out....there's a suggestion now that the Bundestag probably should go and create just one central accreditation control board.  My guess is that by mid-summer 2020....the draft law will be created and passed.

As for the death count (four)?  There's more investigation likely to come and there might be more added to this number. 

Naturally, you might ask.....if they consolidate all this accreditation business....might there be dozen-odd fake doctors found around Germany? one can say much over this.  It wouldn't surprise me if you see a couple of folks kinda retire and exit the doctor business over the next avoid detection. 

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