Sunday, November 3, 2019

Indian Story

The public and commercial German news sites all covered the big visit of Chancellor Merkel and her 'cabinet' to India this week.  A series of agreements were signed and introductions were made.

So there's this one odd event that occurred, which had a 8-second video-clip attached to the news, but nothing much was said.  Here was a military-style ceremony....dozens of India's 'best' in parade formation, with a military band in the landscape. 

The Chancellor? she was.....sitting on a fairly royal-like chair and under a canopy with the Indian host (the PM). 

My guess is that the ceremony was the typical 10 to 15 minute episode. 

But what you come to ponder upon....with the recent events where the Chancellor's body went into a shaking mode when having to stand for an extended period of time.....this was developed to lessen the stress upon her. 

Health issues continue?  You just don't know.  It would seem like that all parties know there's something wrong, and they will simply invent ways to avoid shaking problems in public. 

The next national election?  The fall of 2021....roughly 22 months away.  My humble guess is that they will find ways to get her up to the election period, and quietly by 2022....then retired, Merkel will admit some health-related issue. 

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