Saturday, November 9, 2019

New Railway Ticket

Starting on Monday, there's a new railway-bus ticket you can buy in Hessen (Frankfurt and Wiesbaden noted).

The deal is have to be 65 years old or older, and this ticket will be a flat-rate deal.  You pay 365 Euro per year, and travel anywhere in Hessen after 9 AM Monday through Friday, and all weekend.  Note, we aren't talking about it being valid for all of Germany....just Hessen. 

Yes, it's a pretty good deal.  The railway people say there's around 1.3-million in Hessen who would fit the circumstance.  No one says how many will file for it. 

The negatives?  Well....if you had a medical appointment at 7:30 AM....the ticket won't work, and you'd have to buy a normal ticket.  If you had intentions of going from Wiesbaden to Fulda....for just a'd have to delay the start to 9 AM, and figure your return wouldn't be accomplished until after 8 PM that night. 

I have my doubts that the ticket will be that popular. 

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