Sunday, November 17, 2019

ISIS-Germany Story

Our regional public TV network (HR) carried part of this story.....the arrest of a returning ISIS female member.

So earlier in the week, I'd essayed a piece over Turkey forcing Germany to accept back Germans who were in the ISIS war in Syria. 

On Friday evening, as the plane delivered the young lady (21)....cops were standing by, and did their arrest routine.  Charges?  Membership in a terror organization.  Under the German criminal code (129 a/b)'s a pretty serious offense, and you could get between one and ten years....depending on the severity of the situation.

Other charges?  That's an interesting thing too....they found two additional charges to stick on her....a war-weapons act violation, and war crimes against property. 

Will all of these young ladies that Turkey forced back upon Germany have charges?  That's yet to be the case.  It may go only against those with evidence. 

One might go and suggest that even if you got three years of prison'd be a heck of a lot better to spend three years in a German live under Turkish prison status.

The end of the story?  I kinda doubt it.  The journalists tell a good bit of story, but don't tell you if the ISIS husband (non-German) is still alive.  If he is....I expect some legal help to mount some effort to bring the husband out of Turkey, and into Germany....yet he'll be up for war or terror charges, and face the same court action (probably with longer and more stiff prison terms).  The story (if it develops) would be a magnet for negative attention for the coalition government.

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