Thursday, November 21, 2019

Repeat Frustration Episode

Throughout 2017 and 2018, there were always a fair amount of anti-Trump hype and newspeak via German public TV (both ARD and ZDF).  I think you could have predicted that after the 8 November 2016 election, and the amount of displeasure and dissatisfaction. 

The level of expectation on 9 November, that they would wake up and this Clinton-win situation would be the highlight of the day, and in was like waking up to your dog having run away, and the garage burned to the ground overnight. 

I sat in a German class on 9 November, where the German instructor (a female) came in and this was the major topic of the morning....where she needed to release some frustrations. 

At one end of the room, she started to ask the students about their frustration and anger.  I sat at the opposite end and hoped that the 'game' would play out by halfway to me. 

The Syrians and Iraqis....barely knew of the election, and frankly.....had higher priorities on their mind.  The other members of the group did express their shock and jolt of the situation. 

Then it came to me to express my pain and suffering, in real shock, no jolt, no great loss.  Hillary Clinton didn't have the charisma of Barack Obama, and this whole election was attached to her lack of intensity over charm.  I probably should have fallen apart emotionally and wept over her would have made the German instructor happier.

I look upon the past three months, and the amount of nightly coverage over the impeachment 'chatter', and the amount of hype by ARD and ZDF (the public TV networks).  They get their info via CNN, the NY Times, and the Washington Post.  The feeling is that it's all coming to an end......finally Trump's era will dissolve away and things will  brighten up with something new and different (mostly that a Democrat can return to the office and carry on affairs).

So here's the thing....I kinda fear this repeat of the 9 November episode, where utter hysteria and trauma will be the topic of the perhaps the impeachment fails in the end. 

Lots of Germans in this path of misery?  No and that's the odd thing.  If you went to most working-class Germans....this whole discussion item isn't on their list of top fifty priority items.  It's mostly people who watch their nightly news via ARD or ZDF, and are intensely attached to the battle of 'right' versus 'wrong'.  I would suggest that it's only about 10 to 20 percent of Germans who are influenced or persuaded by this agenda. 

In a simple way, I just haven't bought onto the 'sales-pitch' of something happening along a certain path. I judge things by reality and actual numbers.  Just suggesting that impeachment will occur.....isn't a reality because you require certain numbers to make this possible, and the numbers simply aren't there.  In the end, you end up with aggravated Germans trying to control something that they can't control. 

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