Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Germany and Crime Threats

There was a big long piece via public TV this morning in Germany (ARD, Channel One).  Topic?  Germany and travel warnings.

So, the AfD Party went and discussed in a public way that various countries have travel warnings now for Germany.  Truthful or not? 

A number of countries do have 'advice' on trips into Germany.  Some just suggest common sense.  Some warn that elements of terrorism might exist.  No one is saying 'don't travel to Germany'.

My general advice?  I will make four observations:

1.  In roughly 90-percent of Germany, you are extremely safe, and could go out at 10 PM, feeling no stress about crime, assaults, or robbery.  In the remaining's mostly a urbanization problem (Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, etc) in the evening hours, and you need to use common sense. 

2.  During the ISIS civil war period, there were a dozen-odd terror or near-terror episodes (where cops arrested the guys before they committed the act).  Over the past eighteen months, I'd say it's quiet now and it's rare that you see or hear of any obvious activity. 

3.  Right-wing or left-wing threats?  Politicians will tell you the right-wing is active.  Ask them on bombings or attacks on the general public?  Non-existent. If they have threatened's been mostly political folks.  Left-wing activity?  If you have some demonstration scheduled or some major conference going probably want to avoid that city because left-wing hooligans will be active (burning cars, or property).

4.  Magnets for crime?  Train stations.  But this is mostly pickpockets or snatch and go small-time hustlers.  If you need to use the railway system.....walk in....get the ticket, and board the train.  Don't stand around and be a target. 

I will still make the statement that you are a hundred times safer in Wiesbaden or Mainz, than you are in Memphis or New Orleans.  Knife crimes up?  Yes, but when they say knife crimes....they mean a combined 'score' involving stabbings, and just plain threats of a knife in the act of robbing you.  If you forced the cops to bring out the numbers from the 1980s (when in still West German status)'s way up over the past forty to fifty years. 

So I would just be smart and not be a target. 

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