Friday, December 6, 2019

Polling Over SPD Story

I got up this morning and watched a bit of N-TV (German commercial news), and they had a polling piece done over the new and 'charismatic' leadership of the SPD Party (since last Saturday night).  N-TV hired up Forsa to do the polling nationally.

So they asked the you believe anything really changed or improved the standing of the SPD Party with the pick of the two new 'bosses'.  Answer?  Eleven-percent of the public said yes. 

They then flipped the question to SPD-voters only....where only a quarter of the polled folks said that the new leadership would improve things.

What's this really add up to?  The SPD folks have been on this spiral for almost a decade now, and having trouble connecting to regular working-class people. 

Some of the blame goes to Merkel's CDU Party, and their efforts to be center-center on every single political topic.  Some blame goes to the better message by the Green Party.  Some blame might be dished out to the changing character of German voters.  And some blame simply goes to bad judgement calls by the SPD leadership (revolving door syndrome with leaders coming and going).

The odds that the SPD will shrink down to a 10-to-12 percent party and be of minor importance over the next decade?  I might go with that logic and suggest that you are looking ahead for the next decade at the Green Party being the natural pick for a left-of-center voter in Germany. 

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