Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Logistical Center 'Fight'

Last night, I watched my regional TV network....HR (public TV for Hessen).  Their prime-time show was MEX, which is a fairly decent consumer-business show. 

One of their prime subjects last night was this discussion over logistical centers around Hessen. 

It may be a shock to some folks but there are around a dozen major logistical centers in Hessen, which support not only this state but the dozen or so German states around Hessen.  Most of these are near autobahns, and take up fifty to eighty acres each. 

Around the clock, truckers pull in.....load up.....then launch for delivery sites around Germany.  The centers provide jobs to local Hessens and various communities make a decent income (property tax) off these operations. 

So HR turns in this report, and covers the anti-logistical center demonstrations.  Yes, there are hyped-up Germans who are heavily focused on hindering future logistical centers being built and chanting environmental slogans about the terrible things that logistical centers bring.

I sat and watched this.  These people appeared to be nicely dressed for winter, in attire that was obviously up-to-date.  Some appeared to be a few pounds overweight.  And by the end of this video piece.....I kinda wondered.....weren't all of these people shopping for consumer goods and buying groceries via operations that were utterly dependent upon logistical centers existing?

This is one of the curious parts of German society where people get whipped up into a frenzy, and obviously don't think about their attachment to the complaint, or the focus of their demonstrations. 

If you walk into any local grocery operation today in Hessen.....they are utterly dependent on a daily delivery by a freight bring milk, eggs, etc....for the consumers to benefit from.  The same is true for pharmaceutical operations, clothing shops, shoe stores, or electronic media shops.  Those freight trucks all come from logistical centers.  The logistical centers all employ local folks and provide a income situation, with a taxed property base to the local town.

At the conclusion of the video report, I just sat there.  This anti-logistical center business, in the end, looked awful foolish.  And I kept wondering.....who bundled this up to get public attention like this? 

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