Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Diesel Vehicle Story

With all these various efforts in urbanized German cities against diesel's come to pass (over in Darmstadt) that blitz-cameras are now being used to note vehicles (mostly delivery truck that use diesel fuel) and bring them in for fines.

Well, it's been now noted that a bigger issue now exists....with tow trucks (mostly all using diesel fuel) entering the no-diesel vehicle zones, and they are going to be issued tickets. 

So you can imagine the German police issuing some paperwork on a illegally parked car, and desiring a tow truck to come and take the vehicle.....and the tow truck folks refusing to enter the urbanized area because of the potential for tickets. 

Yes, the system has made itself into a problem and there's no way to resolve this unless you involve more police manpower to escort the tow trucks into the effected area. 

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