Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Protesting and Fakes

This got brought up today (N24 news as the source) over the Fridays for the Future big episode in Leipzig, Germany....for last week and their big crowd effort....that they kinda paid a number of folks 50 Euro each to participate in the demonstration.

How many total?  Well....Bild says 15 of them.

The deal?  They had to have masks on and be dressed totally in black, and some local 'club' wanted them to send a certain message over a particular forest area. 

Paid protesting?  It's something that occurs a good bit in the US, and not something you hear about in Germany.

Getting 50 Euro for roughly three hours of walking around in cool weather, and acting like a protester?  Yeah.  I thought about it, and I'd probably do the same thing.  It's not like you could be a professional fake protester and make 500 Euro a month.  But if you said twice a month, there's some protest over here and here's free train tickets and 50 Euro to attend....I'd probably go and play the game myself.

Do the news people grasp this when they film the site and the fake guys doing their act?  I doubt it.

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