Monday, January 27, 2020

Diesel Fines Story

This got brought up via ZDF (German public TV, Channel Two) this morning.

There are four German cities which have diesel driving bans on several streets.  Over the past couple of months since these were implemented.....the number of violations have climbed to 15,000 ticketed people.

The cities?  Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Hamburg and Berlin.

The fine in each case?  Roughly 108 Euro.

The potential that some folks got multiple tickets (maybe a dozen or more)?  No one says much, but I would more than half of this group are multiple 'lucky' people.

All of this....if added up....would result in 1.6 million Euro (if the judges allow the fines to stand)....for the four cities. 

How they make this work?  It's the same blitz-camera situation.....where the camera connects to a network, and looks at the tags and identifies gas versus diesel cars.

A hefty fine?  For some'll be a problem. 

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