Wednesday, January 29, 2020

29 Jan: German News and Coronavirus

There's basically four statements that you can make presently:

1.  A total four German individuals have been identified with it....all from the same company (deals with automobile parts).  A Chinese member of the company had flown into Germany and had a week of training/meetings, and showed no signs of the flu.  She left on 23 January, and mid-way on the flight....came down with a fever. 

2.  The four Germans are resting in a enclosed unit in Bavaria.  None of them appear to be in any serious danger of dying.

3.  The company in question has closed down, and won't open until Monday (so says the boss). 

4.  There is a plan being discussed where a German military medical plane would be flown into China and bring out Germans in Wuhan.  Number of Germans there?  Estimated at 90 or so. 

A serious issue yet?  I'd say no.  Although, I think the number will go beyond four. 

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