Friday, January 24, 2020

Sweden and Bombings

In 2019, there were a minimum of 230 bombings in Sweden.  Quietly, the cops have admitted here in January that they are reviewing reports of 2019, and the number might go up....which begs questions over why some were not included in the tally, but let's not expect that much out of the police.

So what are the bombings about?

Well...pure and simply....drug competition among gangs. 

I think a great comparison here would be to pick up the detailed history in Detroit, Chicago and Philly in the 1920s, as prohibition came, and illegal booze became a gang-enterprise to wealth.  Eventually, competition occurred, and gangs were fighting each other over their 'turf'....which you can view the gangs in Swede going at the same problem....too much competition.

The fact that the gangs may be mostly all non-ethnic Swedes?  It doesn't matter.  Any idiot can develop the basic technique to bombs, and place them.

What'll have to happen to halt the bombings?  Basically, it's up to the prosecutors and judges...not the police.  Once the prosecution teams in metropolitan areas agree that they will take on the cases, and want the 'top-dogs of each gang targeted for arrests.....with judges handing out five to ten year sentences for bomb-making and such.....then the bombings will stop overnight.

The odds of this happening in 2020?  Zero.  I think the political establishment is still trying to admit that things aren't that bad, and a few bombs aren't a big deal.  At some point, the gangs (mostly run by teenagers 'bosses') will decide to make a point against another gang in an actual mall, and twenty-odd Swede shoppers will be seriously injured.  At that point, the game will have to shift over, and full-scale arrests will occur. 

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