Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Coin Story

Since the day that the Euro was introduced into German society.....there's been a 'crew' working on influencing the EU headquarters to dump the one-cent and two-cent pieces. 

Yes, it's one of those little non-problems that gets brought up at least once a year.  ARD (public TV, Channel One) has brought up the issue again, and noted that the EU is at least looking at the idea of dumping the coins. 

Here's the simple fact.....the coins are not that popular.  I'll be standing in some line at least once or twice a month, with some German Oma is trying to pay for a bus ticket or some minor bill.....pulling out 20-odd one-cent or two-cent coins, and complicating the whole process. 

I keep a coffee cup in the house and dump these coins into it....with my German wife raiding the cup at least once a week.  Yes, she does the same thing as the Oma....trying to pay bills with small coinage.

The odds that the EU will resolve this and dump the coins?  It's like a lot of things they talk about (like Daylight-Savings-Time), and just plain fail to resolve the mess.  I expect the chatter to be supportive by the bulk of society throughout Europe, and some idiot will find a reason to keep both coins around. 

As for the question.....is there anything left that you can buy for one-cent or three-cents?  No.  You can find various items which are 23-cents, or 35-cents.  But no....there's literally nothing on the German market which is valued at one-cent anymore. 

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