Saturday, February 22, 2020

Psychological Exam Story

Since the Hanau shooting a few days ago, there's been a lot of hype over how to prevent such events in the future.

So the one big idea openly discussed now, and noted by MDR in a public news psychological examinations.

To this idea.....the Minister of the Interior (Horst Seehofer, CSU), talked about having mental tests as a requirement to own a gun.

This would be some 'stamp of approval' that you weren't a nutcase, or a general threat to the public.

An added step in the process?  Maybe, but then you'd have to wonder how this would work....the questions asked in the interview, and if this was easily defeated.

The other curious thing.....a person could have some trauma-event, and go from sane status one a totally different status a month later. 

The odds of this psychological exam business occurring?  I'd put it at a 90-percent chance. 

Course, you might start to wonder....if Johann shows up for his gun license interview, and miserably fails....showing that he's really not trustworthy in any sort of way....would this doctor do the right thing and call the authorities to put the guy away, or just let him fail the exam and walk out the door? 

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