Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Corona Statistics Story

I live in the state of Hessen, population of 6.3-million people.

I pulled up the latest data on the Coronavirus, off WiesbadenAktuell.

State-wise, since day one of the virus, we've had almost 11,000 infections, with only 373 folks in the quarantine situation (either at home, or in a hospital).  Deaths?  512.  So out of every 20 folks who had the died. 

Locally, in my town of 285k, we're at 22 deaths (the majority being over the age of 70).  In terms of quarantine patients?  Presently 17 total.

The numbers that you saw in Spain or Italy?  It simply never happened in Germany, and if you use the state data of Hessen, things seem to have gone in a positive way. 

Explanations?  There are differing opinions.  Some say the bans helped.  Some say that use of masks and sanitizer helped.  Some say the vitamin D levels might have been in the mix.  Washing hands frequently?  Most everyone went to that habit in a big way.  I'm not convinced of one single plus-up making the difference. 

A second wave indicator in this region?  No.  Course, school is out and people have gone to a vacation period.  I'd wait till September to see if the second wave does occur. 

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