Sunday, April 25, 2021

Greece and Germany Story

 There was a weird story to come out of Berlin today....over refugees and how Germany would like to handle the future of migrants.

So for those who didn't know this......the bulk of refugees today are sitting around in Greece (having sailed or floated from Turkey over).  ALL of these individuals are sitting in temp-camps, and they have one single destination on their mind.  NO, it's not Greece.  They want to be allowed to continue Germany.

The CDU-CSU-SPD coalition under Merkel?  Absolute fear from the past five years over Germans seeing some massive wave arrive and trigger another refugee crisis.

So today (via a Focus article)....the Germans have cooked up another plan.

To prevent tens of thousands of new refugees.....the Germans would like to 'pay' the Greeks to hold them (permanently is the word avoided).  

How much?  Well.....NO one is saying an amount, or how this would work.

My humble guess?  I think the Germans would prefer to have a discreet meeting and get the feeling if the Greeks would go to this level.  In this level of thinking, there would be permanent camps built....substance of food and money handed some legal fashion, and the Greeks would just supervise the situation....keeping them from leaving for Germany.

If you brought up something like this?  I think the typical Greek would say 'ούτε καν' (hell no), and then ask how much would the stupid Germans pay?

The amount?  It wouldn't shock me if the Germans were willing to pay out 500 million Euro just for a handling fee, and another 500 million Euro for the day-to-day support and food money for the refugees.  

Where the Greeks might place this? the coast is this island called Makronisos....a small isle.....1 km by 10 km long.  It used to be a prison isle for bad-boy politicians (1940s to 1970s).  

All of this because the top level of the German government won't say in a public setting.....there is a limit on migrants and refugees?  Yes, more or less.  So they pay 'an agent' of the EU to do the dirty work and just hold these folks in another country. 

The Greeks holding great cards?  Oh....I'd suggest they could get the Germans to slip them half-a-billion a year for being such great 'hosts'.  They might even make this a ten-year deal on paper.  

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