Thursday, April 22, 2021

Polling Leadership

 There was a little short political story off N-TV in Germany this AM, which I felt was curious, and had never heard before.

Back around the fall of 2014, there had been constant rumors of Chancellor Merkel having polls done.  So this fairly known Green Party politician....Malte Spitz...went to court and asked that they force the government to admit the amount of polling.

Well...this gets interesting.  Files are put into public view.  

Chancellor Merkel,  is drawn to surveys and polls in a massive way.  Up until that point, she was signing off on an average of three polls/surveys each single week.

The evidence showed (to the fall of 2014)....around 600 surveys which led to decision-making (by Merkel) by public opinion.  If the public said 'X', then that was the path ahead for the Merkel-team.

Every action....every speech....every position....every interview....maneuvered the Chancellor's position as dictated by polling.  

In the years since 2014?  One might assume that the Chancellor's office continued the polling method.  So this makes it rather odd....that they'd all latch onto Laschet as the Chancellor-candidate....when polling shows he can't win.

Is there some other intellectual scheme at work here....where the intent or goal is to line up a loser for the bring in a Green Party Chancellor?  It's crazy-talk as far as I can view the discussion, but it begs questions if they were so overdosed on polling results and always trying to stay one step ahead of the opposition....then suddenly turn against the polling 'craze' in this case.

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