Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Thing That Never Ends

 In the last couple of weeks, there's been this little question passed around on social media and mostly avoided by the news media and politicians.  The question....once you achieve 'herd-immunity' or accomplished enough what point do the ban-rules lessen and start to disappear?

Some people have gone to suggest that when the regional infection rate (nationally at roughly 167....locally in Wiesbaden at 197 and in Mainz at 165) drops below 100....things start to diminish....ban-rules should be dropped, and things go to a regular situation.

If you go and use 2020 numbers....the infection rate (as spring temperatures arrived) started to seriously decline by mid-May and stayed low till early September....then trended up week after week.  Some people are anticipating the same trend to start next week, and be obvious by late May.

But is there any serious political chatter  about 'herd-immunity' day....the magical day where the Chancellor says it's done?   No.  

So onto the next little topic that people have drifted around to....if we arrive at herd-immunity day.....shouldn't Christmas market planning start up, and things be normal for December? one in the government is discussing that idea.

Intervention, a non-topic?  Is it just going to linger?  I would suggest (just as an outsider) that the ban-rules will be written into stone, and around October....the book gets open and various ban-rules start back up.  It'll shock some Germans and beg for serious discussions about the future.  But lets be honest....Chancellor Merkel and the CDU-CSU-SPD government will be gone, and the Greens (as the likely winner) will get the task of telling people that Covid never really goes away. It won't be a pleasant task, and they might stall for six months before admitting this.

An unpleasant thought?  Obviously....but no one really knows much of anything.....other than ban-rules are marvelous and curfews accomplish miracles.  

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