Saturday, May 14, 2022

Bike Accident Story

 One of the top ten things I grumble about over Germany....are bicyclists.  Maybe in the 1980s/1990s.....they were few in number.  Over the past decade, you can't maneuver in any urban area (walking or driving a car) without encountering them.

So last evening in Wiesbaden, we had that rare event occur....where one bicyclist ran into another bicyclist.  One was a retired guy (70s).....the other in his 30s.

It appears they simply missed seeing each other, and a pretty hefty accident occurred.  Yeah, the ambulance was called, and for the older's a pretty serious accident (note: he was not wearing a helmet).

The thing I find curious here.....this street was closed  off for two hours while the accident investigation (over two bikes) was conducted.  

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