Wednesday, May 18, 2022

On Beer

 I noticed this morning....German breweries are putting out a warning.

There is a national shortage of beer bottles brewing in Germany.  Yes, shocking.

What they say.....two elements at play.  First, to produce bottles requires energy (natural gas) and the prices are going up all the time.  Second, there is a shortage of truck drivers in Germany.

What they say about production of more beer bottles?  Well....cost has risen 80-percent in a year.  

So there's a strong suggestion by the beer companies to people.....once you finish up a custon of over to the drink shop and turn it in.  Don't sit there in the garage and build up a dozen custons.  

Worry about beer pricing?  I looked at the local listing from drink shop in my neighborhood.....without any prices from 2021 and today....are about a 20-percent difference on pricing. 

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