Saturday, January 28, 2023

A Anti-Migrant 'Thing', Or More?

 In recent days, the hype has been up in Germany, over the knife attack on the train up in the Hamburg area.  There's more pro-deport discussions and lack of integration chatter.  But is that really the full landscape?  I would suggest a 'bigger' landscape.

Germans like order, safety, stability, and chaos.  They aren't getting it.

If you walk around any of the urban centers now (Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf)....people are in a vigilant mentality.  It's not just the migrants.  You have various drugged-up Germans, who react in a situation and want to show you their knife, or starter-pistol.

There is little respect for property.  You have graffiti in most towns.  If you stop at a public toilet site on the's a 90-percent chance that it's crapped-up and in disrepair.  

The number of paranoid schizophrenics walking around Germany presently?  Probably at a all-time record.

This may launch as some pro-deport agenda or anti-migrant agenda, but the truth's just not the safe landscape that you might have encountered in the 1980s.  

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