Friday, January 13, 2023

What's With The Digital/Smart Electricity 'Meter' For Germany?

 The Economics Minister (Habeck, Green Party) is pumped up and wants to make this a major priority for Germans in the next couple of years.

Negatives?  Well....if you sit and review this a good come to four issues:

1.  These meters have a lot of potential to analyze and provide a lot of data.....for the present day society of Germans, you are probably giving them twenty tools beyond their comprehension.

2.  Most people think that switching providers will be more difficult because you will end up sharing your data with the various providers.....identifying yourself as a good consumer or bad consumer.

3.  The risk of security gets uttered a lot.  Course, you already have this problem with WiFi in your home.  

4.  There's that internal German fear of rationing/controlling electricity....via your state or federal government.  Silly thing to worry about....but this always comes up in general conversation.

Odds of the meter getting introduced?  I'd say it's near 99-percent chance....but it might be 20 years before all homes in Germany have this hooked up.  

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