Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  Chancellor Scholz is off in South America and getting a fair amount of press chatter.  But then he hit Brazil....where in some joint press conference....Brazil's Lula made some odd positive comments over Putin/Russia.  Scholz had to stand there and knows there will be sharp criticism later.

2.  Hart Aber Fair public forum show ran last night (ARD, 9 PM).  Topic?  Climate change.  Newly hired moderator (Klamroth) came across pro-climate.  It was more of a propaganda hour than a forum discussion show.

3.  Supervisory Board for public TV meeting with WDR folks.....Hart Aber Fair show and moderator are going to be discussed.  My guess is that Klamroth (the moderator) will be told that he's compromised in some way, and he won't accept that.  WDR management will get the poke at that point....either react or you are the problem as well.

4.  Economists talking higher inflation for Germany for January.

5.  Decision if Berlin is allowed to re-vote comes today via Constitutional Court.  Several challenges going on, and it's possible that re-vote might be pushed back another month or two.  

1 comment:

Daz said...

Isn't it strange that when someone doesn't want shit dumped into the air and water, they're suddenly compromised and can't speak on a topic. We spend so much time defending the rights of fictional entities that have minimal accountability than we spend protecting our land, air, and water. Strange times indeed.