Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Three Odd Things You Notice Out of German News Today

 1.  The Post folks (the leadership) say that home delivery should go from a Mon-Sat schedule....to five days, and even possibly four days.  

However, there is some funny wording to this....if you were urbanized....five days would virtually guaranteed in some ways.  If you were rural....the odds would be a four-day-a-week schedule.  

How this will come across to Germans?  Most packages now....like from Amazon or the electronic shops....would still flow via Fedex or any of the regular delivery guys.  What you typically get in terms of envelops....are limited in nature.  

This happening in 2023?  Very doubtful, and I think this is something that is still three or four years way from occurring.

2.  Russians making a threat over Germany providing tanks to the Ukraine?  Yes.  It was rather blunt this AM.

There are various pay-backs that could occur, and this is one of the reasons why the Chancellor keeps pushing back against supplying tanks.  

3.  This inventory of German Leopard II tanks, ordered by the new German Defense Minister?  

It should have taken no more than an hour to assess what was there....active, and what was there....in the garage.  This idea that it would take a week or two?  BS.  

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