Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Soccer Issue

 A Hessen court came up this morning and said where you have major clubs meeting, and there's a chance of fights.....the bill for police protection should not be given to the local city or state government.

On average....where higher protection is mandated by the authorities....it's one-million Euro plus on cost for police man-hours.

What the court suggested?  Some split....but they were careful not to say what it ought to be.

What it means, if pushed (in the Frankfurt area stadium)?  Well....for a low-rank game and cheap seat....it's around 58 Euro currently, and going up to the 300 Euro range for the best seats.  So you'd have to add some security 'fee' into this, and figure at least 10 Euro more a game....for increased police protection.  And that's just for a one-third 'cut' of the costs.  

You go and figure near 70 Euro, with food/beer in the mix, and it's near 120 Euro for a soccer game experience.

The threat of fights?  There are various clubs which can meet, and there's almost zero extra security required.  I went to a Mainz game five years ago, and the local police brought in around 30 riot police to be on-hand....if trouble started up.  Back in the 1990s....when living in the K-town area....they had a game where almost 200 riot police were brought in.  


Daz said...

Good. It's about time that those who cause the issue actually pay for the privilege.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I don't have a problem in saying a typical game gets you twenty police dispatched, on the gov't bill, anything above that is your soccer stadium bill. But this begs the question....just how many extra cops are really needed? Why 100, or 200?

You'd be better off shutting off booze sales within a kilometer of the stadium for the entire day, and handing out 6-month jail sentences to anyone starting a fight on soccer-club grounds or city streets. No one wants to set the rules and enforce them.

Daz said...

Concur. We already have enough rules. We just don't enforce them consistently or properly.