Friday, May 20, 2022

Have Russian Politics Become A Disaster?

 Well....if you were a PhD type political science 'wizard''d have to open up a decent bottle of gin, and figure half of it gone by the 60th minute of conversation.

I doubt if anyone in the Duma really knows the insider situation with Putin, or how change sixteen to the master plan is just around the corner.

At this point, you can reason that Putin isn't a military genius, an expert on economics, or brilliant at statesmanship.  You might say that he believes his own created propaganda (Nazis around every fencepost), that he still longs for the old Soviet Union (even if he were a bitter failure), and that he has no idea what the true capability of the Russian army present.

There's fairly good odds that he's sick, and somewhat medicated.  Some folks think he's dying.

He'd like to be remembered as the master of Russian destiny as he passes....with thirty-meter statues built around the corner to honor his legacy.

Over the next decade, I'll predict at least three-hundred books written of the invasion and the master strategy of Putin.....most will be trashed because nothing will make sense.

People sitting in universities and trying to get insight about this era?  I doubt that you can really assemble the data in any logical, coherent, or understandable fashion....other than saying it didn't make sense when it happened and five years still makes no sense.

So settle....this is simply a moment of reality the extreme version.  

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