Tuesday, May 17, 2022

My Four Gut Feelings on Putin

 1.  On the irrational scale, I'd put Putin currently (one to ten)....at a 9.5.  Blame?  I put it on three issues: Covid era where he didn't socialize with much of anyone, this continual propaganda crap with Nazis believed to be everywhere, and his 'disease'. 

You can argue about the health report, but if you gaze at your TV.....he's all puffy in the face, and seems fairly chilled when it's a moderate spring day.

2.  Putin was never a 'rocket-scientist', economist, or logical guy.  He was simply picked because the insiders (the first Oligarch crowd) felt he was 'safe' and would allow them to continue their scheme.  

3.  Putin does not care about what other countries think about him or Russia....period.

4.  Putin still believes in the two country super-power system, and Russia gets the automatic ticket to the two-country club. 

Now, with all this said.....I think the guy is settled into dying (maybe a year left) and he thought this legacy of bringing Ukraine back into the Russia union was a super-positive thing.  

The legacy?  That's really the question to ask.

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