Sunday, March 19, 2023

Political Trends?

 Focus published up a INSA survey (nationally of Germany)....if elections were held today:

- CDU / CSU with 28-percent

- SPD with 21-percent

- Greens with 15-percent (yeah a significant drop over the past year)

- AfD with 16-percent (a fair gain over the past year)

- FDP with 8-percent

- Linke Party with 5-percent

INSA rarely gets polls wrong and is fairly accurate.

As for where the trends are going for the Hessen/Bavaria state elections in the fall?  In both cases.....the CDU or CSU will end up as the primary winner.  

Why is AfD trending up?  A fair amount of public chatter is going on about the war and anti-Russia/pro-Ukraine position taken by the SPD-led coalition.  

Why the Greens are trending down?  A fair amount of criticism has occurred lately over the draft laws (suggested by the Greens) openly discussed, and cost impacts to the middle-class.  

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