Monday, March 20, 2023

Three German Stories

 1.  I've sat and probably watched an hour of video clips from Mariupol, Ukraine of Putin's visit over the weekend.  

I'll just say he's fairly active for this visit....not run down or tired.  In one scene....he's actually driving the Jeep-like vehicle. 

Fake Putin or actor?'s just's the most action I've seen out of him in a year.  Even the driving scene seemed odd.  Usually, he's driven  everywhere and I bet he hasn't driven a car in twenty years.

2.  That 'Hart Aber Fair' public forum from last night has been on my mind.

It was a jumbled-up list of topics....all revolving around environmental causes of the Green Party.  The moderator....I thought....did a marginal control theme over this.

At some point, the Transport Minister (Wissing, FDP) uttered that he wanted more concrete proposals instead of getting "just climate blah-blah"....which I thought was pretty accurate with a lot of the BS you see.

The speed limit limit business?  Oh yeah, that got brought up.  The lack of facts over this?  Well....if you just go out and drive on the German autobahn system, you tend to notice that probably 75-percent of drivers don't exceed 130 kilometers per hour already, and probably half of the remaining drivers mostly stay in the 130 range.  So the idea of you saving pretty limited.

I'll say for the was a pretty marginal public forum show and mostly a vehicle for climate 'junkies'.  

3.  Turks having their own version of Tesla?  Yeah, Togg.  

First T10X models are figured to be delivered in mid-summer 2023.

Cost?  47,000 Euro for the base model....with all features?  You'd have to double the amount.

I looked at the picture....fairly large-sized SUV.  They suggest the range at 320 km.  On luxury status?  If this were made in Germany, it'd probably be in the 100,000 Euro range.  

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