Thursday, March 30, 2023

Three German News Stories

 1.  The German shoe shop going to bankruptcy.  Number two shoe sales in the country.

Chief reason?  They say Covid handed them a ton of debt and it cannot progress on.

2.  Back five years ago...the Bundestag sensed they had a serious problem with child-marriages in Germany.  This mostly came from the 2014/2015/2016 era....where you had Iraqi/Syrian guys arrive...with wives who were under the age of 16.  So they created this law called 'Act to Combat Child Marriage'.  It basically said....if you were under the age of 16 as a partner of a person entering Germany.....the marriage was non-existent.  If you were between 16 and 18.....a judge would be involved and determined if it could continue.

This law was challenged, and yesterday....the Constitutional Court said it's screwed up and told the Bundestag to re-write the law in a different fashion.

A confusing path?  I would offer the opinion that as much as German society really wants to halt underage marriages....they don't want to have to mess with the 'clean-up' of dissolved marriages and underage ex-wives.  

What they didn't pick up or discuss....guys with multiple wives.  Best not to discuss that topic.

3.  Denmark is set to bring up the remains of this buoy unit from the Nord Stream I/II site.  Russia has a seat at the table and will be able to observe the action.

How this can go?  Maybe it has no relationship to the pipeline explosion.  Maybe it's a US manufactured buoy.  Maybe it's a Ukrainian manufactured buoy.  Tons of speculation.  

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