Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rowdy Kids Story

 I essayed earlier in the week about the vicious attack on a 13-year old German girl, by several 13 to 16 year old German girls up in Heide (NW Germany).  So Focus sent out a reporter.....talked to locals, and laid out the rest of the story late yesterday.

Parents around the city (21,000 residents) of Heide...have an opinion about a shopping area in one part of Heide....which they describe as a 'no-go' zone.  They basically tell their kids....don't go there....don't socialize there...etc.

Basically over the past year....a lot of unusual and violent behavior has been demonstrated around there....mostly kids attacking other kids. 

It's a bit unusual.  Usually, when you talk about no-go are indicating druggies or refugee young men without much control over their behavior.  This is a area where it's teenagers out of control.

I'm guessing by next week....several of the public TV forums will bring in people and openly discuss this. 

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