Thursday, March 30, 2023

Speaking Less Freely?

 University of Mannheim did a study....talking to Germans, and found that a quarter of the population don't think they can speak freely.  

Meaning?  This group (fair sum of people) feels there are consequences if you were to criticize or complain on some problem/issue.  

So when you hear of some topic, that 50-percent of the people say x-comment about and 25-percent say y-comment can naturally assume that the remaining 25-percent might be highly critical or disagreeable.....but likely to just keep their mouth shut.

To be honest, I think the same number exists in the US and most other countries.

Here's your problem though....just trying to discount the group...means you aren't worried about their lack of speech or commentary, but if they were to vote for some opposition party and give that group their 'voice'....then you'd get all hyped up (a good example how the AfD Party got attention/votes/power).

The possibility that this quarter of the population group is muting news and refuse to listen to various segments of society?  I'd start to worry about where this is leading onto.

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