Saturday, February 1, 2020

The No-Gloves Month

This morning, I went over to my local German bakery.  As I was picking the bag up....there were a number of these brochures up on the glass-top.

The bakery (along with a host of other shops) will be spending February....handling your bread items without plastic gloves.

This is to save the world, and prevent more plastic entering the system.

To be honest, about 50-percent of the folks working at this particular bakery....NEVER handle the bread with plastic gloves. 

So the question this a big deal with excess plastic gloves being used?  I can safely say that before the year never saw a single bakery person handle products with plastic gloves in Germany.   It's a new trend that took root in the past decade. 

But this becoming an environmental 'front'?  That's the funny thing about this.  You tend to notice about every two months now in Germany.....some new trend where this item or this product is considered 'evil'.  To be honest, within the next five years....I expect to step inside a public see a sign on the door suggesting that I try to use one single 'piece' of toilet paper to wipe my butt.  I'll stand there a minute....doing the translation....then start laughing. 

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