Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Violating the Covid-19 House-Guest Number?

 In recent days in Germany, a discussion has started up....around the holiday period....folks suggest that they will have guests to come over to their apartment.  It might be for might be for New Year's Eve.

So the question has arisen....if you have more than ten (that's the government's max number of guests allowed into your house)....can the German police come and audit your home?

There was a decent piece done up for N-TV, and there is a list of circumstances that you might want to think about....depending on which state you live in (of the 16 German states).

In NRW or Berlin, between 9PM and 6AM....cops can't come to your door unless it's for a noise situation.  

Beyond this....there are varying circumstances where the police could get a tip, and arrive at the door....say around 10PM, and ask to count people in the place.  Most folks won't budge on the door, and this will turn into a rough confrontation, or some deal involving a dozen cops.

Just begging for trouble?  Yeah....more or less.

Because of the limited social contact over the past six wouldn't surprise if hundreds of thousands around Germany throw 'mega-parties' with 20 to 30 guests....just begging for police hassle.

Dealing with a bunch of drunks or drugged-up folks?  I would suggest that on New Year's Eve....the closer to midnight....the more likely that the police find a pretty harsh situation and it'd better for everyone if they just got lost and never found the residence in question.  

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