Monday, February 27, 2023

Five German News Stories

 1.  Focus has a piece written over commentary/criticism of the Berlin SPD Party....Andreas Köhler, who formerly represented the SPD mayor of the city (Franziska Giffey).  His chief comment?  "Berlin SPD is “intellectually burned out”.

It's a five page summary, and looking over it....I'd say the chief issue discussed is that the people of Berlin have been continually promised things (going back over two or three decades)....which the SPD never delivered on a single promise.  Some things were watered-down to such an extent....that you really wouldn't want to brag about what you did.

I won't disagree with the statement/commentary, but all it does is drive SPD-potential voters into the arms of the Green Party.  

2.  Somebody over the weekend....destroyed a Russian recon plane parked at a airfield in Belarus.  Some rumors that it's not Ukrainians who did it.

Here's the thing....if they don't catch the responsible parties.....there's pretty good odds that  they have enthusiasm to repeat this again.

3.  Wuppertal (between Dortmund and Koln).....the city management folks went out and bought ten gold-colored sitting benches for the shopping district area....for 400,000 Euro.

These are large sized.....I would think ten folks could be sitting on them at a time.  

Cost?  400,000 Euro, for purchase and installation.  Yeah, there's a lot of talk about how how much was spent.  You could have bought ten normal benches (installed) for probably in the sixty-thousand Euro range.  

4.  There was a bus accident on Saturday in Austria.....with a bus-load of German guys who'd come over for a bachelor's party.  One guy dead.  Happens to be the groom.

5. Couple of odd groups came together in the Ramstein Air Base area for a protest from Saturday.

Police figure around 2,500 in attendance.

Odd factor?  Both left-wing and right-wing elements (Reich crowd, Pro-Putin, left-wing peace freaks, lateral-thinkers, and conspiracy theorists).  Motto for the protest?  Americans.....go home.  

I'll just say that it was peaceful, and very odd that so many oddball groups found the same topic to come together on.  

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