Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The 1898 German National Election

 One can make the case that almost every German federal election is an 'epic' saga.  1898 to an interesting case for a government study.

In the end, out of 398 seats....23 different political parties held seats.  

The Centre Party ended up with the most seats.  Describing them?  Mostly leaning to the right, have a Catholic Church attachment, and having a standing on spending limits for the states and federal government.

This being a district by district election?  When you can find a map of district probably will surprise you how you could have regional strongholds of X-party, and next to it.....another district with a totally different party holds 'power'.

So many parties making a coalition difficult?  I would offer this example as strong evidence.  As long as you could get 8,000 were figured to get a minimum of one representative seat.  

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