Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Why Can't Hahn Airport Be Commercially Successful?

 After the US Air Force left Hahn, the general idea within the state of the Pfalz....how could this not be a win-win situation.  Various efforts have been attempted and most have marginally worked.

So I'll give the three biggest issues:

1.  Location.  Hahn is about 80 km direct west of Mainz....in the middle of 'nowhere'.  

From the nearest autobahn?  It's about 33 km away.  

Talking about urban areas around Hahn?  There are none.  

2.  Weather.  Most Americans who were stationed there...would often talk about the ice and snow conditions in winter.  There's probably forty days a year where you really need to pay attention to safety conditions.

3.  Everyone's key agenda for use always revolved around cargo...not passengers.  Some people believed FEDEX or one of the big carriers would one day arrive and take over half the operation.  Well....that never occurred.

For a long while....some believed that Chinese cargo jets would use the runway, and that has marginally occurred.

Presently, the Frankfurt cargo center has plenty of potential to build onto....so this business idea for Hahn is limited.

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