Monday, February 13, 2023

The Opinion Essay

 If you could pick up a copy of WELT today....there's a great piece written by Norbert Bolz....entitled: "The Enslavement of One's Own Opinion".    It's worth a read.

The emphasis of the piece?  People spend a lot of time talking....trying share their own individuality and thinking....with diverse ideas in the middle of this.  

The mass media?  It spends a fair amount of time also talking....but trying to get you to one single end-conclusion.  

In the have a fake like-mindedness, which you seem to be unconvinced of it making sense.

Tribal creation?  After a start to ponder upon it and come to some conclusion that the end-result....whether planned or just that a tribe of some sort will exist, and they are led to some particular way of viewing a problem or situation.  As open-minded as each might pretend to be....they can only have one opinion at the end.  

Kinda funny....if you think about it.  

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