Saturday, February 11, 2023

Where Did The Term 'Volksfiend' Come From?

Loosely means 'enemy of the people'.

So there is this literary piece written in the late 1880s....up in Norway by Henrik Ibsen.  He wanted to make a point about society, newspapers, and political 'bickering'.

Ibsen wrote a play....called 'Volksfiend'.

The theme of the play?  There's this spa and they've become a big deal for the local town, with guests arriving and spending money on 'treatment'.

At some point, the head doctor of the spa becomes concerned over the water, and comes out with a report to say the water is actually harmful for your health.  For the basis of the play, you assume the doctor is correct, but the play really never goes into detail why the water is not good.

The doctor at this convinced that society is poisoned by the spa, it's water, and the proactive stance of the town in keeping the resort open.

What you have is a drama building up....for a play situation....where the doctor is doing a brave thing, and is treated as a nutcase for trying to destroy the spa and the money-making aspects of the situation.

So a couple of years pass after the play was introduced in Oslo, and the Germans (1890) run the play in Berlin.

German attraction to the play?  It's been around now for over over 130 years, and is a much discussed type of play.....where you view it....have reactions....ponder upon the implications, and try to figure in the actual 'enemy' of the people.

My gut reaction?  I have two problems with the play, as originally designed.  

First, you never really get to why the spa waters are toxic.  The intent is that you just accept the doctor's version of the situation. I would agree...Legionella is pretty dangerous, and tons of microbes can accumulate if a bunch of folks lay in the same water for a while.

Second issue: the town's response is....'we don't need to screw around with our community's chief product'.  If you had tourists dying, word would get out and you'd be out of business in a short period of time.  

In today's society (in Germany)....the discussion of 'Volksfiend' comes up a good bit, but having nothing to do with spa waters.  

You've got messengers trying to talk about the evils of cars, weather, too much electrical use, fatty food, too much drug use, lack of respect for this or that, and at least a hundred different topics.

In a sense, everyone wants to point out the 'enemies' of the people, and start some cause to shut down X, Y and Z.

Skepticism then brews up, as people ask questions.  Then you get public forums where five experts go and defend the poor 'Volksfiend', or blast the evil 'Volksfiend'.  

It's like being trapped in a theater, where nothing seems to make a lot of sense, and you'd just like to escape to the bar next sip a few beers and chill out.  

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