Monday, May 2, 2022

The War: 2 May 2022

 1.  Some chatter via N-TV this morning.....long story handed out by Ukraine's President.....200 Russian special forces folks, with 30-odd 'senior' officers (some Col's and Generals).....were either killed/wounded at some meeting yesterday, in eastern Ukraine.  

This top-top general of Russia (just arrived in the past day or two).....Valeriy Gerasimov....was hit by some shrapnel.  Stories (I've seen a dozen) seem to confirm his wound, and strongly suggest he was flown back to Moscow.  

On the big-deal game, I'd rate this attack and success as a '9', and if Gerasimov is sitting in some Russian hospital.....his future job prospects appear to be nearing a retirement.  

2.  N-24 said this morning that some Ukrainian areas (far east) are under Russian control, and they intend to introduce the Ruble as local currency.  Maybe there's some logic here, but I'd consider both the local currency and the Ruble.....on a negative prospective.  

3.  Worry about WW III in Germany?  I'd say in the past two went up a notch.

Over the weekend.....the Interior Minister made some stupid commentary that Germans need to have a 'extra' supply of food/medicine on hand.  Then chatter came up about the 599 official government 'bunkers' in Germany.  I thought this was pretty irresponsible, and will just create a wave of panic with regular people.

I asked my wife on our 'bunker' situation, and she just said the basement area of the house was 'it' for anything within 20 kilometers.  Between booze/beer.....there probably is a good six week supply there, without any guests.

4.  Some chatter from ARD's public forum show (Anne Will) last night on TV....that between actions and will take years and years for Russia to rebuild their military. 

I will say this....if the 'war' continues through June (another 60 days).....there won't that much in the tank inventory to worry anyone for a full decade.  

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