Thursday, July 27, 2023

Evacuation Plan 'B'?

 German Army mission in Mali (Africa) is supposed to end in May 2024.  Lot of chatter over this for past six months.  They don't want a screwed-up mess like the US had in Afghanistan.

Well....the general plan was that they'd DRIVE out (head south) to the border of Niger....cross, and then board cargo planes there to leave.  It's about 130 km from the Mali the Niger capital city and the airport.

Things were settled...up until today.

Niger, if you didn't know....had a coup yesterday and shut down the border.  President?  Gone.....military guys running the country. 

Plan 'B'?  No one really says no.

Using the southern country of Burkina Faso?  NO.....lot of crime and terror business going on.

Using Guinea instead?  Well....a whole day added for convoy purposes. Senegal would be the same way.  Mauritania?  Fair amount of crime and terrorism.  

So this might be interesting to watch things unfold in the spring of 2024.

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