Saturday, July 29, 2023

Germans in the War?

 It's hard to imagine this, but Focus laid out this story....that some Germans (almost all men it would appear) went off to Russia to fight in the war against the Ukraine.

Number?  Well...they say 'dozens'.  

There are two numbers mentioned.....'61' is talked about as 'departed' and were identified in some German database as extreme right-wing.

The second number is '39'....who they (the authorities) have some proof that they went to fight in the war.  The rest?  They didn't really say they were going to fight.

Of the '39' should be noted that almost a dozen said they were going to fight against Russia.

What happens if they return?  There's a law in place since the ISIS conduct some court activity and you probably end up in jail for a while.  Yeah, they really want to discourage civil war participation elsewhere....hoping to prevent you getting some weird idea to come back and start up a conflict here.

Of the '61' or '39'....the odds they will return alive?  Well....that's another piece to ponder.  I'd say at the 12th month of's probably a 50-percent chance or better that you won't be coming back....other than in a box.  

This worrying the Germans about the participation?  So far, they seem to only be monitoring it.  If you suddenly said 200 folks a month were leaving Germany for the war....yeah, that might freak out some folks.  

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