Monday, July 31, 2023

Our 'Gears' Aren't Working Correctly Talk

 I had a question thrown at me today:

"Judging from the news services of late, there seems to be no end the amount of stupidity in the world. From the local average Joe to the high and mighty politicians. What started the insanity?"

Ten years ago, I would have answered in a different 'tone' and said simply that the 'times, they are achanging'  (Bob Dylan tune from 1965).

Today, there are probably a dozen 'gears' at work, and society is unable to function as we were....say prior to 2000.  

Problem #1: A lot of people  have exited the education system (mostly in the US, but to some degree in the UK/Europe) knowing less knowledge than they would have gained in the 1930s to 1980s.  Even if they have knowledge/wisdom, I would discount half the population existing as unable to take facts, situations as they are, and bundle-up a solution or 'path'.

I'm not saying they are stupid,  but they can't assemble enough to avoid stupidity.

Problem  #2: Some people believe science is SETTLED, PERIOD, END OF STORY.  I don't think Einstein today would be able to hear this phrase without falling on the floor in a fit of laughter.  We'd probably have to pick him up and assure him that this is the going philosophy.

Problem #3: Somehow, we've appointed idiots onto boards, or as CEOs....we've voted political 'juveniles' do things that they probably aren't capable of handling.  

Like running a beer operation, and just selling beer (nothing else).  

Or having a bank operation which performs the function of handling your money....safely.  

Or voting in political situations, and grasping what you voted for in simple form (like explaining it to a 12-year old kid).

Problem #4: We can't seem to remember history much.  If you tried to bring up the Roman Empire....95-percent of Americans wouldn't be able to cite more than 3 lines of information.  From the German side.....they might be get to 8 lines.  Hitler gets uttered a great deal......'bad-man' is usually the citation accompanying the mention.  Beyond that....the history knowledge is probably less than the cartoon character history of 'Charlie Brown', on Hitler.

Problem #5:  We want to believe things an awful lot, while at the same time....we don't want to believe other matter how many facts you do lay on the topic.

Problem #6: We are confused.  We have more than three-hundred sources trying to tell us something, and half are citing marginal facts....and a biased 'base'.

Problem #7: We get 'lectures' daily now....even from some Minister, some gas-station clerk, or PhD moron from CNN or BBC.  Your patience with lectures probably is half of what it was a decade ago.  With this....we seem to 'mute' more often now.  

Problem #8: Movies and TV shows seem developed to bring you to a life-conclusion.....not as entertainment.

Problem #9: We've been geared to pull for the bad guy.  Like that Walter White-guy from Breaking Bad.  Even if you threw 20 facts on the table that this Hunter Biden-guy probably needs to jail-time to clear up his past history.....'dad' convinces us that Hunter just isn't that bad.  

Problem #10: Life is more complicated today than fifty years ago.  Some folks meet someone who they think might be a 'winner'.....then immediately turn to do a credit-check on the person....meaning they don't really believe 'first impressions'.

I have a Audi A5, with more than 100 functions that I've yet to master (3 years into ownership).  I can actually instruct my car to call someone.....yet I can't think of a reason why driving....that I'd want to chat with my wife.

I have a fantastic Samsung TV....with more than 3,000 functions.  After 2 years of use....I've probably figured out 200 of the functions so far.   

Problem #11: The gender-pronoun business.....probably sets up the scenario where a third-of-society would rather not deal with such a person.  

A month ago, I had a news piece trying to convince me of a 8-year old kid having the status in life to make 'big' me, this meant letting the kid have a driver's license, school corticate, and if he wanted to marry some must be alright. 

Problem #12: Approaching reality where I realize that my ancestors from just 100 years ago (1923) probably could grasp a situation in a better way, prioritize the resolution, and walk out of a mess.  

This 100-year reality check begs the question....have we really progressed like we think, or are we stuck in Twilight Zone reality at present?

If you wait two years....I'll probably have a different view by then.  


HD Wrench said...

I think the world has been going to hell since the election of Bill Clinton.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Some pieces/parts were going wrong from the 2008 to 2016 era. Some from the Bush II era. Some from the Clinton era. Some going to the 1950s college era. Some left over from JFK era. Plenty to spread around.

Three key things that stand out. First, skeptical nature is at a all-time record presently. Second, mental disease and lack of facilities for these people is also at a all-time record. Third, cult-like behavior is at all-time record...I'd suggest one out of three is showing some type of signs (at least in the the UK, I'd suggest one out of five).

Cherry on the cake? Who would have ever thought that gov't hearings on UFOs/UAPs would reach a state where it's fairly good odds of 'something' going the midst of this crappy stuff?

Wrench said...

Government hearings have always been a decoy for some other agenda they don't what the people to know about until it's too late. Keep an eye on what's going on in the background.

Daz said...

Problem 0, i.e. the overarching problem is that all the political flow and ebb for the last 50 years is the boomers have had the major voting block. That's why everything is designed to not upset share holders and pensioners now, as they're all in that age bracket. Enough died off during covid to not re-elect the CDU, even though the CDU prioritised them with vaccines and allowing them freedoms that the rest of society didn't get.

We continue to rob from the future to pay for the entitled attitude of those born in this bracket. In 15 years it should be mostly better and the extremist positions should fade away over the following decades.