Sunday, July 9, 2023

Seven German News Stories

 1.  Looking at Focus this AM....poll done over happiness in Germany with the political coalition of the SPD-Greens-FDP parties.  Two out of three Germans say they are unhappy

A big deal? means whenever the coalition comes up with a new legislative's really up to public TV to hype the idea, and lately....even the journalists can't sell the 'brand' or message.  

I won't say that the coalition is under a threat to fall apart (like the Netherlands did on Friday)....but it's not helpful for state elections over the next 18 months.  Next scheduled federal election?  Fall of 2025.  

In both the Bavaria and Hessen state elections in roughly 100 days....none of the three parties are expected to do that well.  

2.  Green Party calling for migrant recruitment into the German help battle mafia crime.

3.  Giessen after-action situation from the Eritrean festival?  Originally, folks were thinking there would be far-right-wing types showing up.  I watched about an hour of video between the German news teams, Twitter and's just odd, you didn't see a single German in the mix unless you counted the emergency crews, firemen, or police.  

The protest crowd?  Probably about 300 Eritrean folks. They were protesting against the Eritrean festival (figure around 2,000 folks attending it).  Yeah, pretty weird.

Heat affecting the situation?  It was fairly hot yesterday (say in the 35 to 37 C range), and that triggered a number of heat problems....requiring the ambulance folks. 

Based on city action, there were around 1,000 police from the region to keep order.

4.  Odd event at a Hamburg hospital.  Some crime clan member was bad off in the hospital, and clan members showed up 'after-hours'.  Nurse tried to prevent entry and got roughed-up pretty bad.  Cops now investigating.

5.  Yesterday was the 500th day of the Ukraine-Russia war.  Still nowhere near an end.

6.    Some knife attack on a tram in Dresden.  Victim and attacker....both Somali.  What the cops say is that some disagreement came up while on the tram, and a attack occurred (older guy dead, 40, was victim).  

7.  Just something odd I came to notice yesterday.  Prior to 2016....public TV news in Germany (ARD, ZDF, and all the minor networks) went as far as possible to avoid reporting any demonstrations, attacks, or riots involving non-Germans.  Someone pointed out to me that a 'handbook' existed for TV journalists at the time...suggested to avoid the topic whenever possible.

After the 31 December 2015 New Year's Eve episode in Koln...where all of the public networks tried their best not to mention the events of the evening....a massive 'falling-out' with the public occurred.  Over the next couple of months, the public TV news folks were 'motivated' to generally report these events as they occurred.  

A good example was the Giessen demonstration yesterday.  There was a brief 60 second video.....couple of facts, and some on-the-scene analysis by their reporter.  Prior to wouldn't have seen or heard about this unless you went to newspapers or commercial news.  

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