Thursday, July 13, 2023

What Is This BBC Scandal Business Of The Past Week All About?

 Well...some parents of this 21-year old Brit guy....finally went to a newspaper and alerted them that X-nightly newsman working for the BBC.....for 3 years....had sponsored (paid) their son for 'something-physical'.  

The amount that probably went to the young gentleman?  21,000 Pounds.

At some point, because they'd tried to get the BBC interested in 'stopping'....(that failed)....they saw no choice but to hand the story over to a newspaper.

Where the money came from?  This hired BBC guy was making in the range of 400,000 pounds a year.  

Since Monday, I've probably watched 20 minutes a day of this coverage and social media commentary.

To be honest, I don't really give a damn....if the 60-year old new-guy wants to go and have protected/un-protected sex with the young long as he's 17 or older when this starts.....I won't say much.  The fact that the money went for a crack habit?  Well....if you walk around central London, I would imagine more than 10,000 folks minimum....have a habit.

If the older guy used office funds for this....from his BBC charge card?  I might laugh over his ethical problem, and force the guy to pay the money back.

As scandals go?  Well.....Germany might crank up one decent three-star scandal a month.  The Brits?  They have two or three constantly running, and a new one developed every single Monday.  If things get real slow....that Harry and Meghan crew in the US get a call, and get asked to loosen up another scandal of some type.  

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