Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Mask Story

 I noticed this odd German story about a week ago, and it's been on my mind.  The ARD Tageschau (public TV news) featured it, and I have no doubt in the validity of it.

Back in 2020, in the early stages of the Covid business....the Merkel coalition was in 'freefall', and doing a number of things without thinking of the consequences.

The Health Ministry went out and procured a LOT of masks.  In some ways, I don't think there was a consolidated plan.  In my mind....multiple people were in the ordering business, and kept punching the 'order' button.

So, the gov't has now....tons of masks with expiration dates showing.  They've decided to start destruction procedures.

Amount?  755-million Covid masks are to be brunt.

They say the value is 7-million Euro (figure 8-million dollars).

Crappy management procedures?  Well....hospitals typically order what they need and they have an inventory process.  If you go to military hospitals....they have a order-and-inventory system.  The German government?  I don't think they'd ever been in the middle of a order-and-inventory situation. 

This 'burn-party'?  You know....if this were my old Air Force days.....we'd have a bar-b-q and sat the pallets near a burn-facility and just thrown a pallet into the fire every ten minutes....while sipping a beer.  Yeah, this might have gone on for twelve hours....with this many masks.

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